Get real-time volume profile data and accurate DXY charts for smarter stock trading
TradingView - a platform for smart stock trading and tracking of trading assets
Follow currency index, stocks, as well as other financial assets in real time using the TradingView platform!
TradingView is an in-browser platform for charting and monitoring cryptocurrencies, smart stock trading, and other financial assets. Its charting tools(which includes index and DXY charts). In addition to charting, you can share your trading strategies and broadcast real-time analysis. The platform has many tools for fundamental and technical analysis. With TradingView, getting real-time data has become much easier.
Monitor global markets on TradingView
Perfect your trading with TradingView tools
TradingView allows you to customize technical indicators, create charts and analyze financial assets. These indicators are patterns, lines and shapes that millions of traders use every day. TradingView is available in a browser and does not require a client download. If you prefer to trade from mobile devices, you can download iOS and Android apps as well as desktop apps. Here you will find a lot of useful information about trading and trading ideas in large quantities.
Description of the interface and dashboards with TradingView tools
If you have never used charting tools before, the TradingView interface may seem a bit confusing. Let's get to grips with it and symbolize the toolbars for the sake of example.

Toolbar 1
This toolbar contains all the charting and drawing tools that can be used directly in the chart area. From simple lines to long and short positions, there's plenty to explore. To access the advanced selection, right-click on each tool. Some are more complex than others, but the standard set contains enough basic tools to get you started.

Toolbar 2
This is where the chart display settings are located. You can choose between candlesticks, line charts, charts with areas, etc. There is also a search bar on the left where you can change the asset displayed. Another tool worth looking at is the [Indicators and Strategies] button for inserting pre-made analysis templates such as moving averages.

Toolbar 3
TradingView doesn't offer brokerage services, but you can trade on the site using the [Trading Dashboard] tab. There you will find a list of partners you can make trades with if you already have an open account. You can also test your strategies using the [Strategy Tester] feature.

Toolbar 4
This block includes TradingView's news and social elements. You can set up a list of traders to watch, send private messages to other users, explore ideas and broadcasts, and enjoy access to a personalized calendar. If you need to find any data, lists or information, look in this section.

Charts area
When you change the asset you are viewing, use any tools, or place indicators, they are displayed in the main chart area. You can customize almost everything you see. We'll talk about this in the next section.
TradingView is a great solution for those looking for a free solution with a wide range of tools. The platform's tutorials are also free, while covering the basics of charting and technical indicators.
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